Life at Scoro August 12, 2024 6 MIN READ

10 Ways Scoro Boosts Employee Mental Health and Well-Being

In 2024, Scoro was awarded the “Workplace Mental Health” silver label by, highlighting our commitment to prioritizing employee mental well-being and fostering a healthy work environment.

At Scoro, we believe that the well-being of our team drives our company’s success.

Here are 10 ways Scoro supports employee mental health and well-being.

1. Flexible Work Schedules & 4-Day Work Week

At Scoro, we believe in working smarter, not harder. That’s why we’ve redefined the traditional 5-day, 40-hour schedule. Instead, we’ve opted for a 4-day work week with 32-hours – without compromising full-time salaries. This allows our employees to enjoy more quality time with family, pursue personal interests, handle essential tasks, or even take a long weekend trip to recharge. Regardless of people’s role, team, or location.

As a result, our team feels more motivated and productive during their working hours. While many team members prefer the classic 9-to-5 schedule, they also have the flexibility to adjust their work hours to better suit their personal and family needs. Clear guidelines on our ways of working make this flexibility smooth and effective.

2. Remote Work Opportunities

In today’s digital age, remote work is more of a necessity than a luxury. We embrace this by allowing our employees to work from wherever suits them best. Many team members use this flexibility to travel and work from abroad occasionally. Escaping the dark European winters, for instance, helps them stay healthy, energetic, and focused, significantly boosting their overall well-being.

This approach benefits employees and the company by enabling a more motivated, engaged, and creative workforce. To support this, we use Scoro Software to efficiently manage work processes and communication, no matter where our team members are. 

3. Paid Health Days

We prioritize the well-being of our team members by offering three paid health days each year. Whether you need time to recharge, relax, or seek professional care, you can use these days freely without fear of stigma or negative consequences. 

It’s also possible to take unpaid leave and use vacation days, even during probation. 

Caring for your health should always come first.

4. Access to Specialists

Everyone is vulnerable to mental health issues at different times. We encourage Scoro team members to seek confidential support for stress, anxiety, or other concerns. To make this easier, we provide full or partial compensation for up to five visits annually to mental health professionals. 

People can choose from our partnered services or visit a specialist of their own choice. Additionally, our health insurance plans cover physical and psychological health costs across all our locations, ensuring our team members always have the support they need.

5. Well-being Squad

At Scoro, we prioritize health and well-being through our Well-being Squad—a group of volunteers from various divisions and locations dedicated to keeping well-being on top of mind. 

The Well-being Squad organizes monthly challenges and training sessions focused on health and wellness. They lead discussion groups and book clubs and share valuable insights in a dedicated Slack channel. The squad also addresses essential topics like stress management and the importance of seeking help.

This ongoing effort encourages everyone to make health-conscious decisions and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

6. Reasonable Workloads and Clear Roles

Handling too much or unfamiliar work can be stressful and impact mental health, so we regularly check how our team manages their workloads.

We aim for a smooth start with a thorough onboarding program. New hires have weekly meetings with a mentor and regular check-ins with their team lead. Both new hires and mentors keep a journal for the first 8 weeks to track progress and get the needed support.

Our quarterly OKRs keep everyone focused on individual and company goals. Most team members have regular catch-ups with their managers and hold bi-annual reviews to discuss career goals, workloads, and priorities. Many teams also have a career matrix that outlines the steps and skills needed for advancement so everyone knows how to grow in their roles and what’s expected.

7. Working Environment and Office Space 

Creating a comfortable and productive working environment is essential for both collaboration and individual focus.

Our largest office in Tallinn offers various amenities, including a game area for breaks, a massage chair for relaxation, and even two bedrooms equipped with yoga equipment and acupuncture mats for power naps. The lounge and kitchen are central hubs for lunch breaks and casual meetings. Plus, they’re always stocked with healthy snacks!

Each office features a terrace or balcony, providing a refreshing space for fresh air breaks and outdoor meetings. We also have a pet-friendly policy, welcoming well-behaved pets into the office. Having pets around reduces stress, boosts happiness, and fosters a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

8. Management Training

We train our managers to recognize signs of mental distress and provide the necessary support. This ensures that employees receive timely help and that concerns are handled with empathy and care.

Building a trustworthy relationship and showing vulnerability is crucial for both. Managers are encouraged to use 1-on-1 meetings to connect with employees personally, not just to discuss tasks. Additionally, we organize on-site events at least twice a year for face-to-face interactions, helping leaders and team members build strong, supportive relationships.

9. Inclusiveness

A strong sense of belonging and psychological safety are crucial for mental well-being. That’s why maintaining an open feedback culture is important to us. 

We regularly check in with our team through weekly catch-ups and monthly non-anonymous surveys that ask about overall happiness. Additionally, we run bi-annual surveys on satisfaction and leadership to pinpoint areas for improvement and make necessary changes.

Our open-door approach ensures everyone feels comfortable sharing concerns or ideas directly with leadership. We encourage team members to contribute and take the lead on various initiatives, whether working across focus groups to improve processes or initiating sports groups, game nights, and other activities.

10. Celebrations and Recognition

Celebrating achievements is a big part of our culture, as it boosts morale and supports mental well-being.

To foster this, we use Leapsome for public peer-to-peer praise, which is shared in a dedicated Slack channel for everyone to see. Our Extended Happiness Survey also allows us to recognize coworkers who make the workplace enjoyable. Regular All-hands meetings and newsletters highlight successful projects and standout employees. Additionally, during our annual January review, we celebrate and honor team members who have been specially recognized by their peers.

We’re always looking for new ways to improve mental health and well-being and will keep working hard to support our team.

If you want to be part of our journey, check out our Open Roles and send your application today. If you cannot find a suitable position, save your interest on our Connect page, and we will contact you when a job that matches your profile opens.

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